Сomplex tests carried out on the basis of the testing ground for power transmission poles and tower structures FSBEI HE «DONNACEA» (Part 3)
Abstract: Mechanical tests of experimental transmission line supports made according to individual projects are one of the mandatory conditions of Russian and international standards for their further use in the construction of energy facilities. Therefore, designers and manufacturers must have a testing base on which research and acceptance static and dynamic tests of transmission line supports and tower structures are carried out. The article describes an integrated approach to the testing of power grid structures carried out at the Testing Site of transmission line supports and tower structures of the DONNACEA. Complex tests of electric grid structures are provided by the presence of the test base of the Landfill, which consists of a universal test hall, a press room, a climate chamber and a wind tunnel. The testing base allows preliminary testing of hardware, individual elements, assemblies and fragments of supports; mechanical testing of wires; studies of icy loads; aerodynamic testing of structures and wires, etc. If necessary, three testing laboratories of DONNACEA accredited in the field of testing of building materials and engineering protection of buildings and structures in difficult geological conditions are involved in conducting special tests. The third part of the article describes the laboratory base included in the testing complex of the Landfill: a universal test hall; a press room; a climate chamber; a wind tunnel. The presence of a laboratory base allows you to significantly reduce the labor and material costs of fine-tuning supports manufactured according to individual projects. Laboratory tests are carried out before bench tests. In addition, laboratory tests allow us to work out the technology of manufacturing special hardware and complex spatial joint sheet assemblies of polyhedral racks. The climate chamber provides an opportunity to study the processes of ice deposition on wires of various types and elements of supports. The issues of aerodynamics of individual elements of electric grid structures and supports in general, both spatial rod and continuous polyhedral struts, are studied in a wind tunnel. The pipe makes it possible to investigate the behavior of «bare» wires and in the presence of ice on them, depending on their type.
Keywords: Testing Site FSBEI HE «DONNACEA», tests, transmission line supports, tower structures, power floor, power towers, destruction, wires, ice, aerodynamic tests, climate chamber.
Pages: 167-180.
For citation:
For citation: Gorokhov, Ye. V.; Vasylev, V. N.; Alyokhin, A. M. [et al.]. Сomplex tests carried out on the basis of the testing ground for power transmission poles and tower structures FSBEI HE «DONNACEA» (Part 3). – Text : electronic. – In: <em>Metal Constructions</em>. – 2023. – Vol. 29, N 4. – Р. 167-180. – URL: https://donnasa.ru/publish_house/journals/mk/2023-4/st_01_gorokhov_vasylev_alyokhin_anishсhenkov.pdf (date of access: 07.03.2025). – ISSN 1993-3517. (in Russian)

Vol. 29, N 4 (2023)
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture