Technique of Numerical Analysis of the Intense Deformed State of Steel Vertical Cylindrical Tanks with Taking into Account the Defects of Geometrical Form
Abstract: The work shows a generic geometric and computer simulation algorithm of the actual surface of the tank wall taking into account both General and local geometry imperfections. Proposed integrated approach to the numerical study of the intense deformed state and evaluation of technical condition of vertical cylindrical steel storage tanks for petroleum products, taking into account the imperfections of geometric forms, ranging from measuring deviations from vertical forming at checkpoints and to the analysis of the stress-strain State of the tank. Researched the intense deformed state of nine tanks of various sizes for storage with local imperfections spherical shape under the influence of hydrostatic load linear setting, allowing to compare the results of numerical research with experimental and theoretical data obtained by other researchers and confirmed the authenticity of the received results.
Keywords: steel vertical cylindrical tank, the intense deformed state, the defects of geometrical form, numerical analysis, hydrostatic load, BN-calculation, computational algorithm.
Pages: 45-57.
For citation:
For citation: Krysko, A. A.; Konopatskiy, Ye. V.; Myronov, A. N. [et al.]. Technique of Numerical Analysis of the Intense Deformed State of Steel Vertical Cylindrical Tanks with Taking into Account the Defects of Geometrical Form. – Text : electronic. – In: <em>Metal Constructions</em>. – 2016. – Vol. 22, N 1. – Р. 45-57. – URL: (date of access: 07.03.2025). – ISSN 1993-3517.

Vol. 22, N 1 (2016)
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture