Issues / Vol. 28, N 1 (2022) / Articles

Damageability and Actual Operation of Steel Structures of Beam-Type Coatings as Part of Building Frame Structures

A. V. Golikova, F. F. Leychub

a Institute of Architecture and Construction, Volgograd State Technical University
b JSC «VNIKTIneftehimoborudovanie»

Annotation: Coverings of concert halls, assembly halls, meeting rooms and similar premises of civil buildings, as a rule, are made with spans of more than 15 m using steel as a material for supporting structures. The operation of coating structures is carried out in most cases with limited access for inspection and control of the technical condition, and in some objects, the bearing structures of the coating are not available for maintenance and control. Taking into account the cyclical nature of the development of modern society, characterized by periods of sharp declines and smooth rises, and relying on the experience established in the process of monitoring the technical condition of a number of buildings and structures, we note that in the life cycle of most structures there are periods of violations of normal operation and the absence of scheduled preventive repairs. During these periods, the destruction of the protective coatings of the surface of the structures, the violation of the tightness of the roofing, followed by the systematic soaking of the load-bearing structures and the accelerated process of degradation of the properties of materials over time, especially at the contact boundary of steel with concrete and brickwork. At the end of such periods, when the normal operation of structures is resumed, the actual models of the geometry of individual structures, the properties of materials of load-bearing structures, as well as the nature of the action of loads, differ from the models incorporated in the project. In the materials of this work, on the example of coatings of three buildings, a characteristic of the development of damages and some of the most characteristic parameters of the actual operation of steel structures of beam-type coatings as part of building frame structures are presented.

Keywords: load-bearing steel building structures, coating structures, defects, damage, work under load, stress-strain state, frame, loads and effects, bearing capacity, operation, repair and restoration measures, reinforcement.

Pages: 33-49.


Link for citation: Golikov, A. V.; Leychu, F. F. Damageability and Actual Operation of Steel Structures of Beam-Type Coatings as Part of Building Frame Structures. – Text : electronic. – In: Metal Constructions. – 2022. – Vol. 28, N 1. – Р. 33-49. – URL: (date of access: 03.07.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 28, N 1 (2022)
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture