Issues / Vol. 25, N 4 (2019) / Articles

Uneven Deformations of the Base of Buildings with a Steel Frame in Ground of the Fist Type Conditions by Subsidence

V. V. Yarkin, A. V. Kukhar, A. D. Anisimova, V. V. Yarkina

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: The article considers the influence of the way, area and intensity of soaking of collapsible soil on the amount of subsidence and their unevenness. The analysis of the most unfavorable for buildings schemes for the implementation of uneven base deformations caused by subsidence of the soil, both from the external load and from its own weight, was carried out and the conditions for their occurrence were determined. The influence of methods for subsidence accounting from the ground’s own weight when calculating buildings in ground conditions of the fist type by subsidence on their stress-strain state is studied. The conditions are determined under which in the design schemes of buildings and structures in ground conditions of the fist type by subsidence it is impractical to take into account possible subsidence caused by the own weight of the soil.

Keywords: collapsible soils, slumping soils, subsidence soils, loess soils, inundation, uneven deformations of the base, subsidence from dead weight, subsidence from external load.

Pages: 171-181.


Link for citation: Yarkin, V. V.; Kukhar, A. V.; Anisimova, A. D. [et al.]. Uneven Deformations of the Base of Buildings with a Steel Frame in Ground of the Fist Type Conditions by Subsidence. – Text : electronic. – In: Metal Constructions. – 2019. – Vol. 25, N 4. – Р. 171-181. – URL: (date of access: 03.07.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 25, N 4 (2019)
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture