Issues / Vol. 25, N 2 (2019) / Articles

Bolt Connections New Modification for Rod Elements of Metal Constructions of Buildings and Structures

A. S. Marutyan

Branch of the North Caucasus Federal University in Pyatigors

Annotation: A new technical solution for mounting joints of metal structures in the form of bolted joints of rod elements on mortise moldings with longitudinal axial slots is presented. With these slits, each of the gussets is divided into identical sections with bolt holes symmetrically bent in opposite directions to the thickness of the gussets, which ensures their overlap joining by means of tightening bolts without single pads or eccentricities. Such a constructive-layout solution of the mortise gussets turned out to be quite an effective fundamental principle for their spatial modification in the form of mortise crosses. The use of such crosses in typical joints of tubular rods eliminates the need for double sets of bolted fasteners and twin pairs of pads from equal-angle corners with chamfers removed. Comparison of the proposed, well-known and standard solutions on the same basic objects showed that the new bolted joints have the necessary and sufficient bearing capacity, provide a reduction in the consumption of structural material and are equal-strength with joined core elements. The versatility of the proposed technical solutions ensures their applicability in bolted joints of rod elements from tubular and rolled (open) profiles, and also increases their availability, rationality and efficiency in the development of new forms of assembly joints of supporting structures of buildings and structures.

Keywords: assembly joints of metal structures, bolted fastenings, joints on mortise gussets, joints on mortise crosses, optimization of butt joints.

Pages: 43-52.


Link for citation: Marutyan, A. S. Bolt Connections New Modification for Rod Elements of Metal Constructions of Buildings and Structures. – Text : electronic. – In: Metal Constructions. – 2019. – Vol. 25, N 2. – Р. 43-52. – URL: (date of access: 03.07.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 25, N 2 (2019)
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture