Issues / Vol. 22, N 3 (2016) / Articles

Accounting of Constructive Features Nodes Compound Based Stable Central Compressed Rods Structural Coverage

Е. В. Горохов, А. В. Мущанов

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: In the article the results of research of influence of constructive decisions of nodal connections of structural designs on the critical forces and form of buckling failure by center-compression element of covering have been given. Researches have been carried out by the static method for the item great flexibility (λ = 224) for the loss of stability in the elastic stage of the work materials in the finite element formulation with the task of initial imperfections in the form of half-wave sine wave, which is characteristic of the classical solution of the Euler problem. Conclusions on the impact of the actual design solutions of nodal connections on the critical forces and buckling shapes have been made on the basis of comparative analysis of the calculation results idealized core model and finite element model of the tubular rod with the nodal solutions specific to MArchI system.

Keywords: structural coverage, centrally compressed rod, stability, finite element method.

Pages: 125-137.


Link for citation: Горохов, Е. В.; Мущанов, А. В. Accounting of Constructive Features Nodes Compound Based Stable Central Compressed Rods Structural Coverage. – Text : electronic. – In: Metal Constructions. – 2016. – Vol. 22, N 3. – Р. 125-137. – URL: (date of access: 03.07.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 22, N 3 (2016)
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture