Calculation procedure of the overhead power transmission lines of high reliability as part of unified mechanical system

Ya. V. NazimDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract: Calculation procedure for overhead power transmission lines of high reliability has been developed, which allows to determine stresses and strains in the conductors, ground-wire cables, fittings and PTL towers as part of a unified mechanical system. Calculation procedure takes into account a number of interrelated factors – climatic conditions, design parameters of overhead lines (length of span, sag, electrical clearances), terrain profile and plan (scheme) PTL, calculation modes and load combinations, etc. It has been implemented in the program complex «MISI1», which was developed in the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. A series of load calculations on support structure for section line of the same type of conditional constructive solutions and terrain profile located in different climatic conditions of Ukraine has been performed to verify the convergence of the results determined using this calculation procedure with the data obtained on the basis of the recommendations of the European Committee of Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC – EN 50174). Calculation procedure has been tested on a real object of intersystem value – double circuit large transmission line crossing 154 kV «Kremenchuk Hydroelectric Station – Kremenchuk Heat and Power Station» on the river Dnieper.

Keywords: calculation procedure, overhead power transmission line (PTL), stress-strain state, climatic loads, software package.

Pages: 119-137.


For citation:
For citation: Nazim, Ya. V. Calculation procedure of the overhead power transmission lines of high reliability as part of unified mechanical system. – Text : electronic. – In: <em>Metal Constructions</em>. – 2014. – Vol. 20, N 2. – Р. 119-137. – URL: (date of access: 07.03.2025). – ISSN 1993-3517.

Issue Cover
Vol. 20, N 2 (2014)
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture