Issues / Vol. 19, N 4 (2013) / Articles

Vibration suppression of girder structures of public building of government-owned establishment of concert and sporting complex centre of public joint stock company of «Stirol Concern»

E. V. Denisova, S. A. Fomenkoa, A. S. Kostritskyb, A. V. Radchenkob, A. V. Denisovb

a Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
b Architectural and Design Office «Modus» Ltd.

Annotation: The paper deals with the dynamic tests of beam type elements installed on the facade of the Government-Owned Establishment Of Concert and Sporting Complex Centre of Public Joint Stock Company of «Stirol Concern» (later on, «Concert Hall») at the refurbishment, where to suppress of vibrations, the dynamic suppressor has been offered. In accordance to the architectural concept of the facade, the above-mentioned elements represent the cantilever disconnected between each other with the cantilever element overhang of 6–7 m and are subjected to the effects of eddy excitation of vibrations in the wind flow where the stable vibrations of increased level can appear across the wind flow. During the realization process of the design, the necessity of full-scale determination of the dynamic parameters of the above-mentioned constructions and application of special dynamic suppressors has been sprung up. To decrease the vibration amplitude at the resonant mode, the dynamic suppressors for above-mentioned constructions have been worked out, made and erected. The full-scale dynamic tests of constructional operation with vibration suppressors and without in order to obtain a piece of information of their application efficacy have been carried out.

Keywords: dynamic tests, vibration suppressors, eddy excitation of vibrations.

Pages: 235-244.


Link for citation: Denisov, E. V.; Fomenko, S. A.; Kostritsky, A. S. [et al.]. Vibration suppression of girder structures of public building of government-owned establishment of concert and sporting complex centre of public joint stock company of «Stirol Concern». – Text : electronic. – In: Metal Constructions. – 2013. – Vol. 19, N 4. – Р. 235-244. – URL: (date of access: 03.07.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 19, N 4 (2013)
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture