Issues / Vol. 18, N 1 (2012) / Articles

Work sites elements of structural design

S. V. Mitrofanov

National Academy of Environmental Protection and Resort Development

Annotation: The article is devoted to results of studies of the structural elements of the nodal connection plates. A new form of structural components for the structural systems of the square tube that collects the structural system without breaking the surface of the protective coating (zinc) rods. Theoretical and numerical studies of the stress-strain state (SSS) elements developed nodal connections. Numerical investigations were carried out on computer models created by the node connections that are on the geometric and physical mechanical characteristics consistent with full-scale models. As the external load on the node connecting elements made efforts, derived from the calculation of the structural slab. Calculation is made for the two options: compression or stretching of belts. The graphs and mosaic distribution of stresses in the elements of a node connection. Based on the mosaics stress most likely grounded circuit failure node connections. The destruction of joints for structural system with possibly as a result of loss of local stability of the wall of the tubular elements under the bolt fastener or shear walls in the direction of the load. Experimental studies that confirm a close match (difference amounted to 10…25 %) VAT element nodal connection with the calculation results of computer models. Experimentally validated circuit failure nodes. Conclusions based on research findings.

Keywords: structure, site structure, core elements of a finite element method.

Pages: 17-25.


Link for citation: Mitrofanov, S. V. Work sites elements of structural design. – Text : electronic. – In: Metal Constructions. – 2012. – Vol. 18, N 1. – Р. 17-25. – URL: (date of access: 03.07.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 18, N 1 (2012)
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture