Issues / Vol. 17, N 2 (2011) / Articles

Investigation of the influence of initial imperfections in the gsp frames of series 1.263.2-4 on the parameters of the mode of deformation

A. M. Yugova, A. N. Mironova, A. B. Bondareva, V. I. Moskalenkob

a Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
b «Prombudremont», Ltd

Annotation: The article is about the influence of the initial imperfections in the GSP frames of series 1.263.2-4 on the parameters of their mode of deformation. There are presented the design diagrams of the frames under study and the analysis of the results regarding the initial imperfections. The numerical investigations have been analyzed. There are given the guidance of decreasing additional efforts in the frames. The obtained values of the additional efforts and stresses which indicate that the initial imperfections influence the real mode of deformation of the frame of the series under consideration. An imperfection being taken into account at the stage of designing, it will make it possible to hereafter increase the operational reliability and survivability of the structures. The findings of the investigation and the guidance can be used in the design and development of new analogous GSP structures. It is suggested to develop a procedure of taking into account the initial imperfections as a constituent of the universal design and graphic software package Structure Cad or some other one.

Keywords: metal structures, geometric imperfections, structure manufacture, MKE, mode of deformation, accuracy, numerical investigation.

Pages: 123-134.


Link for citation: Yugov, A. M.; Mironov, A. N.; Bondarev, A. B. [et al.]. Investigation of the influence of initial imperfections in the gsp frames of series 1.263.2-4 on the parameters of the mode of deformation. – Text : electronic. – In: Metal Constructions. – 2011. – Vol. 17, N 2. – Р. 123-134. – URL: (date of access: 03.07.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 17, N 2 (2011)
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture