Issues / Vol. 16, N 4 (2010) / Articles

Experimental aerodynamics of sections of polyhedral bent racks

Y. Gorokhov, V. Vasylev, S. Kuznetsov, I. Garanzha, E. Lozinsky

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: The paper represents the range of application of the structures based on polyhedral bent racks (PBR) both on the territory of Ukraine and abroad. The paper has undergone the aerodynamics analysis becoming the base of the technique development and also for conducting of the physical modelling and research of PBR model fragments in the meteorological wind tunnel of the Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture to determine the basic aerodynamic characteristics – the drag coefficient of the PBR structures with various number of sides, bearing in mind the weather factors of impact on the determination of the wind loads. The aerodynamics experimental techniques at the PBR model fragments have been described in the paper. The outcomes of the experiment (on the example of the hexahedral PBR model) have been presented and they have been compared with the normative values of the drag coefficient. As a result, the aerodynamics technique for the structures on the base of PBR has been revealed, the dependence between the Cx coefficient values and the wind flow direction, the impact of Reynolds number, the number of the structural bounds, the distribution of the wind flow velocity in a ground and boundary layer and the definitive drag coefficients Cx have been determined experimentally.

Keywords: polyhedral bent racks, engineering aerodynamics, wind tunnel tests, local factor, drag coefficient, meteorological wind tunnel, wind flow.

Pages: 251-258.


Link for citation: Gorokhov, Y.; Vasylev, V.; Kuznetsov, S. [et al.]. Experimental aerodynamics of sections of polyhedral bent racks. – Text : electronic. – In: Metal Constructions. – 2010. – Vol. 16, N 4. – Р. 251-258. – URL: (date of access: 03.07.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 16, N 4 (2010)
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture