Issues / Vol. 15, N 4 (2009) / Articles

Reconstruction of the structures of a skip hoisting plant of the main opening of the coal mining public enterprise “Krasnolimanskaya”

Ye. V. Gorokhov, V. N. Kushchenko, V. N. Vasylev, V. M. Levin, N. M. Zaichenko, V. M. Klykov, V. N. Gubar’, Yu. Yu. Kalmykov, Yu. I. Salivon

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: There is considered a solution of a multi-factor design task: reconstruction of structures of a mine hoisting plant because of the replacement of a hoist engine. The basic factors making for the choice of the engineering solution were operating conditions of the structures (a shaft headgear, the hoist engine building and foundation); a simultaneous replacement of the hoist drum, the engine rotor and stator; a necessity of performing reconstruction with minimum stops of the mainline production. Accounting of the operating conditions of the hoisting plant structures was made on the base of both the survey data and full-scale tests of the building structures and an after-normalization of their technical state. To substantiate a possibility of using the shaft headgear structures for reconstruction purposes, there were fulfilled dynamic tests, the structure design scheme was checked and a revised design of extremal emergency loads was performed. The design of reconstructing the hoist engine building includes an arrangement of the transforming field-assembled aperture for replacement of a hoist drum; a change of a constructive decision as to the building covering, a change of the configuration of the hoist engine foundation. In reconstructing, an instrument inspection of including the reconstruction elements into the work, as well as a control of the technical state of the building structures.

Keywords: shaft hoist engine, shaft headgear, hoist engine building, hoist engine foundation, technical state, reconstruction.

Pages: 261-280.


Link for citation: Gorokhov, Ye. V.; Kushchenko, V. N.; Vasylev, V. N. [et al.]. Reconstruction of the structures of a skip hoisting plant of the main opening of the coal mining public enterprise “Krasnolimanskaya”. – Text : electronic. – In: Metal Constructions. – 2009. – Vol. 15, N 4. – Р. 261-280. – URL: (date of access: 03.07.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 15, N 4 (2009)
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture