Issues / Vol. 14, N 2 (2008) / Articles

Stabilization of sagging membrane coverings, working in the vertical cylindrical tanks composition

I. V. Romenskya, I. V. Rusakovab

a Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
b SLR “Resurs-Engineering”

Annotation: The main questions of increasing the efficiency of vertical cylindrical tanks, by means of applying covers in the form of sagging membrane casings have been considered in the article. The application of such constructive decisions provides the mass reducing comparing with traditional decisions in the form of cupola coverings. A high deformation of membrane coverings concerns its fault. The essential load for membrane coverings working in the composition is the pressure redundant of tanks. For prevent possibility of the phenomenon so called inverse exhaust to apply measures of stabilization of the covering construction. It is proposed to use the reinforced concrete as a stabilized device. The mass of reinforced concrete element is selected out of compensation condition of the redundant pressure. The method of determination the optimum thickness of membrane casing has been proposed. Principles of non-linear mathematical programming, are used based on the penal functions method. The optimisational problem solution with using has been fulfilled the polyhedrondeorming method. For standard tanks with volume of 10…50 thousand cubic meters (according to diameter of 28,5…60,7meters) optimum parameters of membrane coverings have been determined. With the covering mass including additional loads from the stabizing element has been determined. Adducing the economical efficiency of proposed version of stabilized membrane covering in comparison with the standard decision.

Keywords: vertical cylindrical tank, membrane covering, stabilization, optimum projecting.

Pages: 97-104.


Link for citation: Romensky, I. V.; Rusakova, I. V. Stabilization of sagging membrane coverings, working in the vertical cylindrical tanks composition. – Text : electronic. – In: Metal Constructions. – 2008. – Vol. 14, N 2. – Р. 97-104. – URL: (date of access: 03.07.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 14, N 2 (2008)
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture