Issues / Vol. 9, N 1 (2006) / Articles

Numerically-Analytical Method of the Statistical Estimation of the Wind Gust Features

Yu. P. Nekrasov, A. V. Makhinko

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University

Annotation: In this article statistical estimation algorithm of wind gust local characteristics in internal atmospheric boundary layer (the amplitudes, duration, maximum) is presented. It is taken into account a non-stationary nature of wind flow and broad-banding of turbulent pulsation. Using of the offered method is illustrated on the example of the experimental data of statistical treating.

Keywords: velocities of wind pulsations, wind gusts, gust factor, gust amplitude, gust duration, gust maximum.

Pages: 29-41.


Link for citation: Nekrasov, Yu. P.; Makhinko, A. V. Numerically-Analytical Method of the Statistical Estimation of the Wind Gust Features . – Text : electronic. – In: Metal Constructions. – 2006. – Vol. 9, N 1. – Р. 29-41. – URL: (date of access: 03.07.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 9, N 1 (2006)
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture