Vol. 23, N 3 (2017)
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish House: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Editorial Board
Journal: Metal Constructions
Publish House: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Editorial Board
Calculation of the Intense Deformed State of Tank’s Wall Under the Action of the Hydrostatic Load in a Nonlinear Setting with Geometric Imperfections
A. A. Krysko97-106
Numerical Researches of Local Stability of Beam Webs of Component i-Section with Local Dimples-Bucklings in Span Structures of Bridge Constructions
V. F. Mushchanov, A. N. Mironov, A. A. Kovalenko107-121
Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of Constructive and Design Methods for Ensuring the Stability of the Walls of Vertical Cylindrical Tanks
V. F. Mushchanov, M. N. Tcepliaev123-137
Analysis of the influence of structural features of nodal connections on the load-carrying capacity of centrally compressed rods of structural coatings
Ye. V. Gorokhov, A. V. Mushchanov139-151