Vol. 27, Number 3, 2021


Editorial board


Igor Romenskii, Аlexandr Mushchanov, Аlexandr Voytenko
The Effect of the Unification of Elements on the Mass of Constructive Structures of the Kislovodsk Coating System

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. This article is devoted to the design of spatial lattice structures of structural coatings of the «Kislovodsk» system. The paper presents the results of a study of the influence of the unification of elements on the stress-strain state and the technical and economic indicators of a structural coating with dimensions in terms of 30×30 m. A correspondence between the adopted unified product ranges with the current GOST standards for hot-rolled and electric-welded pipes is established. Based on this, an algorithm for the selection of standard sizes of elements was developed, which was implemented in the PC Microsoft Office Excel 2007. The mass of the coating block was calculated according to the accepted unified assortments using a different number of standard sizes of elements. The relationship between the mass of the structural coating and the number of standard sizes of elements is revealed. The obtained results can be used in the design of spatial lattice structures of structural coatings of the «Kislovodsk» type.
Keywords: structural coating, spatial lattice structure, unification of elements, stress-strain state, technical and economic indicators.


Volodymyr Vasylev a, Volodymyr Mushchanov a, Andrey Alyokhin b,
Andrey Mironov a, Anna Bezushko a
Static Tests of a Fragment of a Structural Coating of the INECO Type

a Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
b Separate subdivision of Investregionprom LLC
Abstract. On the basis of the analysis of existing technical solutions of nodal joints of structural coatings, a new single-bolt joint «INEKO» is proposed, which is competitive when used in light metal coatings. The proposed connection does not require expensive manufacturing technologies, but can be manufactured under the conditions of a metalwork plant. The structure with the INEKO nodal connection is distinguished by its high manufacturability, since it contains only two standard sizes: a belt and a diagonal element. The article presents the results of numerical and experimental studies of the nodal connection of the new structural form of the structural coating «INEKO». Numerical studies of the stress-strain state (SSS) of the brace gusset and flat girder of structural elements were performed using the SCAD software package. The accepted design scheme did not take into account the flexibility of the nodal gussets of the belt and diagonal elements. This calculation made it possible to determine the theoretical bearing capacity of the nodal gusset plate, which determines the nature of the operation of the entire structure. The actual VAT of the gusset was investigated in the course of field tests of a flat truss and assembled from «INEKO» structure elements. Comparison of numerical and experimental studies made it possible to take into account the malleability of nodal gussets in the actual design of «INEKO» structural coatings.
Keywords: bearing structures of the coating, structure, actual bearing capacity, calculation, recommendations.


Anatoly Yugov, Anna Ihno, Anna Krupenchenko, Sergey Titkov
About the Method of Calculation of Metal Structures of the Frame of the Binding of Glass-Melting Tank Furnace

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The article presents a method of calculating the metal frame of the binding of continuous glass-melting furnaces with control of the stress-strain state of structures. The analysis of the stress-strain state of the material of the arched vault of the furnace and the structures of the metal frame of its binding according to the proposed calculation method, taking into account the state of the masonry of the vault, allowed us to establish the increased metal consumption of the structures of the frame used in practice. The proposed method for calculating the metal structures of the binding frame is based on taking into account the malleability of the nodal connection of the suspension of the main arch when calculating the bearing capacity of the frame elements, taking into account the stages of the life cycle of the glass furnace. The critical analysis revealed rough assumptions in the previously proposed approaches to accounting for the temperature component. The provisions of the proposed methodology for calculating the strapping of glass furnaces with control of the stress-strain state of structures allowed us to justify a significant reduction in the metal capacity of the frame, taking into account the proposed approaches to calculating the load-bearing capacity of the frame columns when removing stresses in them with the help of «compensator strands».
Keywords: metal frame, furnace roof, loads, eccentric compression, eccentricity, temperature intervals, stress-strain state.


Maxim Tcepliaev
Features of Modal Analysis of Finite Element Reservoir Model

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The paper considers various aspects of determining the natural vibrations of structures of vertical steel cylindrical tanks in the calculation complex LIRA-SAPR 2015 R4. Based on a literature review, the relevance of studying the issue was confirmed. The substantiation of the application of the finite element method for performing modal analysis, as the most promising, is given. The variable parameters of the finite element model are determined. The calculation of the frequency of natural vibrations for various versions of the model of a tank with a volume of 20 thousand m3 has been carried out. The first forms of natural vibrations were obtained for the structure as a whole. The vibration modes that do not correspond to the real work of the structure have been identified. The parameters of the numerical model of the reservoir, which significantly affect the result of modal analysis, are determined. Using the obtained data array, the recommended parameters of the finite element model of the reservoir for calculating the frequency and forms of natural oscillations are obtained.
Keywords: modal analysis, shell, vibrations, tank, natural frequencies, natural forms.